Saturday, July 6, 2024

Corey’s Courage – A Journey of Strength in Congenital heart defect


6 year old was born with a Congenital heart defect. Here’s what her parents tell her every night.

Stephanie and Dan Jenness found themselves embarking on an emotional and rewarding journey when they welcomed Corey into their lives as the third child. Their joy was palpable while anticipation built as they set about planning life with an expanding family of five plus a classic minivan.

Congenital heart defect

Unfortunately, their happiness was cut short by an alarming discovery: Stephanie’s routine check-up revealed possible chromosomal anomalies in the baby. They panicked until realizing it could not be an alarm; unbeknownst to them at the time, another challenge lay ahead.

Corey entered this world at a hospital located in Rhode Island weighing 4 pounds and 11 ounces, seemingly healthy and without issues. But an alert nurse noticed something amiss – his gums and nailbeds displayed a blue hue which warranted further investigation.

Stephanie and Dan received devastating news. Their infant daughter was diagnosed with tetralogy Fallot and pulmonary atresia – two congenital heart defects – making the world spin out of control in an instant; what had seemed normal earlier suddenly required extensive medical treatment and attention.

Five weeks old Corey underwent her very first open-heart procedure, marking the beginning of many medical treatments and procedures over her short lifetime. An extended hospital stay of one month was followed by another month-long stay before they could finally release Corey from care – though relief wasn’t long-lasting as her condition continued to fluctuate significantly.

Due to feeding difficulties and low oxygen levels, Corey was admitted back into hospital. She required oxygen support 24/7 via her feeding tube; months of hospital visits followed, until August 2018 when an organelle procedure took place.

The experience for Stephanie and Dan proved profound. Corey found renewed energy, evidenced by her increased interest in eating and her interactions with her siblings. It represented an important shift from survival mode towards hope-filled optimism.

As Corey developed her understanding, she became more self-aware about her condition. Accepting it with pride, she proudly bears the marks from her surgery as a testament to her resilience and strength. Every morning at six, Corey takes time out for herself in her room to look at a photo that chronicles the journey from hospital bed to an active child.

“They have helped mend my heart,” declares Corey with an indisputable sense of assurance.

Before sleeping, Corey is filled with praise from her parents which helps build her self-confidence and sense of uniqueness. Through bedtime stories and prayers she is reminded of her courage, strength, and beauty.

Stephanie believes it is important for Stephanie to remind herself that even though she may appear different, she still remains an extraordinary strong girl. I want her to remember this.

Corey’s story of perseverance and faith goes beyond her health challenges and obstacles; it also serves as an inspirational testament to love, perseverance and unwavering faith. Every day she embraces her strengths to face new challenges, showing that strong, resilient hearts can overcome even the toughest difficulties.

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